Feb 26, 2007

Oscars One Beautiful Dress

I'm not a huge fan of Penelope Cruz, but I love her dress. Well, the dress is nice I guess, but compared to the rest of the circus last night, this is the most amazing dress I have ever seen. I don't know what happened. The dresses at the oscars were barely SAG worthy, let alone the Golden Globes. It seems like you can dress down those LESSER shows because you need something you can spill cheap wine on. But ladies, lets step it up for the Academy! Now to review the other dresses from last night, which I will refer to for the rest of this post as 'mistakes.'

Ayn Rand book cover mistake AND redonkulous hair. Where is this over the one shoulder Frog coming from?

I love me some Maggie, but this mistake is terrible.

If you're gonna do your hair all nice, why would you get your dress from the Miami Vice wardrobe storage?

Yet another hair over the one shoulder thing. At least Nicole stole a bowtie from a Clown to make it symmetrical.

See I liked this dress, but then I thought I could see through it and that made me uncomfortable.

This is the one that made all the others look great. Windy City hopeful and American Idol reject worked the de la Renta, but should have left the cropped jack at home. A mess, a mistake - fashion speaks louder than words and Oscar speaks louder than taste.

Jan 21, 2007

Call me a classicist, but the new NFL referee uniforms blow. Its like they were warming up in their spiffy track suits one day and just decided to roll out as is. Its what we - in the theater biz - call sans costume. Now I've only been a football fan for two seasons, but I remember seeing the old school ref's uniforms and believing in their ultimate superiority. To me knickers just say - "founding father." Where is the integerity one exudes as a Professional Football? Fucking Sopranos.

Jan 11, 2007

So a billion more troops going to the middle of nowhere and despite what everyone is telling him, our President seems hellbent on making a bigger clustertruck out of an already katrucked situation. But the fine contributors of FSLTW need to address the real serious issue of this depressing news conference - the bookcase. Now I guess this is pretty usual of the White House rooms. Eggshell paint on the trim - uber european wallpaper and a swank set of overhead lights that help remind the occupants that they are moving as they traverse the halls of America's "Seat of Power." But look carefully at the bookcases. Does it seem odd that they are fire engine red? Is this the library of black arts? I guess it looks nice, but a little contemporary for the White House. Don't get me wrong, the last time I was there was when we had a honest Republican/Actor in the White House and all I know really is what I saw on Eight awesome seasons of The West Wing. Maybe this signals the new era of American Politics. White bookcases when in peace and Red when at War. Maybe the bookcase color is W's shoutout to all those backward states that voted in the majority for him. Did Bill Clinton have Blue Bookcases? Maybe they simply compliment the material within. Bibles and old issues of Hustler go in Red while Cookbooks and Idiot's Guides go in Yellow. I was always a big fan of organization